Aims and Objectives
The Core Aims and Objectives of the GSR Journal include:
· To advance research in all sectors of Social Sciences
· To promote publishing of high quality theoretical and empirical research scripts
· To develop global networks among academicians, researchers and professionals for interaction and mutual cooperation
· To encourage different genres in creative and research writing
· To enhance the diversity, multiplicity and miscellany of the research on society in general
Global Sociological Review (GSR)
Broader Scope
The Global Sociological Review publishes original research, review articles and commentaries related to all the fields and sub fields of sociology, social policy and topics related to social problems with the national, regional and global scope.
Main areas and Subthemes
1. Basic and Applied Sociology
2. Culture and society
3. Social institutions
4. Sociology of religion
5. Social Problems
6. Rural Sociology
7. Urban Sociology
8. Medical Sociology
9. Sociology of media
Social Change and Development
1. Development theories
2. Processes of change
3. Globalization
4. Technology and development
5. Industrialization
6. Youth issues
7. Migration
8. Cultural variation
9. Development models
10. Socialism and capitalism
11. Economic development
12. Rural Development
13. Human resource development
Social Psychology
1. Social beliefs and judgements
2. Social and cultural influence
3. Group influence
4. Conflict resolution
5. Helping behavior and charity
6. Study of aggressive behavior
7. Prejudice and discrimination
8. Biology, culture and personality development
9. Social cognition
10. Love, affection and affiliation
11. Family and Peer influence
Sociology of Deviance
1. Functions and dysfunctions of deviance
2. Crime learning theories
3. Biology and crime
4. Criminal justice system
5. Street crimes
6. Sub cultures and deviance
7. Terrorism
8. Victimology
9. Juvenile Delinquency
10. Female Delinquency
11. Formal and informal Social Control
12. Law and crime prevention
13. Policing
Population Studies
1. Demography
2. Theories of Population Transition
3. Population and Development
4. Contraceptives and population control
5. Urbanization
6. Migration
7. Fertility behavior
8. Healthcare and Mortality
9. Marriage patterns studies
10. Reproductive Health
Methods of Social Research
1. Research process
2. Tools of data collection
3. Theoretical Frameworks
4. Qualitative & Quantitative Research
5. Reliability and authenticity in Research
6. Data analysis methods
7. Teaching practices in research
8. Measurement and testing
9. Report Writing
Social work
1. Charity organizations
2. Social case work practice
3. Group Work practice
4. Community Organization
5. Community Development
6. Social work in Hospitals and Schools
7. Social Work in Prisons
8. Social work administration
Gender Studies
1. Sex and Gender
2. Gender Socialization
3. Gender and culture
4. Gender discrimination
5. Gender based violence
6. Women empowerment
7. Feminism
8. Feminist movement
9. Power and Masculinities
10. Gender transformative approach
Social Anthropology
1. History of Cultures
2. Cultural studies
3. Family and Kinship
4. Social organization
5. Socialization
6. Elements of culture
7. Cultural variation
8. Evolution and development
Sociological Theories
1. Development of social thought
2. Theory building
3. Structural functionalism
4. Conflict and Marxism
5. Social Action
6. Symbolic interactionism
7. Social exchange theory
8. Phenomenology and ethnomethodology
9. Feminism