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- Skaalvik, E. M., & Skaalvik, S. (2015). Job Satisfaction, Stress and Coping Strategies in the Teaching Profession - What Do Teachers Say? International Education Studies, 8(3), 181-192.
- Skinner, E., & Beers, J. (2016). Mindfulness and Teachers' Coping in the Classroom: A Developmental Model of Teacher Stress, Coping, and Everyday Resilience. Mindfulness in Behavioral Health, 99-118.
- Smylie, M. A., & Denny, J. W. (1990). Teacher Leadership: Tensions and Ambiguities in Organizational Perspective. Educational Administration Quarterly, 26(3), 235-259.
- Stormont, M., & Young-Walker, L. (2017). Supporting professional development needs for early childhood teachers: an exploratory analysis of teacher perceptions of stress and challenging behavior. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 16(1), 99-104.
- Tyler, P., & Cushway, D. (1998). Stress and well-being in health-care staff: The role of negative affectivity, and perceptions of job demand and discretion. Stress Medicine, 14(2), 99- 107. 1700(199804)14:2<99::AID-SMI766>3.0.CO;2-1
- Van Veen, K., Sleegers, K., & van de Ven, P. (2005). One teacher's identity, emotions and commitment to change: A case study into the cognitive-affective processes of a secondary school teacher in the context of reforms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21(8), 917-934.
- Hanushek, E. A. (2007). The Single Salary Schedule and Other Issues of Teacher Pay. Peabody Journal of Education, 82(4), 574-586.
- Hofmann, S. G., Sawyer, A. T., Witt, A. A., & Oh, D. (2010). The effect of mindfulness-based therapy on anxiety and depression: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(2), 169-183.
- Ingersoll, R. (2012). Beginning teacher induction: What the data tell us. Phi Delta Kappan, 93(8), 47-51. 47
- Ingersoll, R. M., & Smith, T. M. (2003). The wrong solution to the teacher shortage. Educational Leadership, 60(8), 30-33.
- Jazzar, M., & Algozzine, B. (2006). Critical issues in education leadership. Boston: Pearson Education.
- Jepson, E., & Forrest, S. (2006). Individual contributory factors in teacher stress: The role of achievement striving and occupational commitment. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76(1), 183-197.
- Johnson, S., Cooper, C., Cartwright, S., Donald, I., Taylor, P., & Millet, C. (2005). The experience of work-related stress across occupations. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20(2), 178-187.
- Kyriacou, C. (2001). Teacher stress: Directions for future research. Educational Review, 53(1), 27-35.
- Kyriacou, C., & Sutcliffe, J. (1977). Teacher stress: A review. Educational Review, 29, 299-306.
- Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1987). Transactional theory and research on emotions and coping. European Journal of Personality, 1(3), 141-169.
- Mark, G., & Smith, A. P. (2011). Occupational stress, job characteristics, coping, and the mental health of nurses. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17(3), 505-521. 8287.2011.02051.x
- Maslach, C. (1993). Burnout: A multidimensional perspective. In W. B. Schaufeli, C. Maslach, & T. Marek (Eds.), Professional burnout: Recent developments in theory and research (pp. 19-32). Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis.
- Melamed, S., Shirom, A., Toker, S., & Shapira, I. (2006). Burnout and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Study of Apparently Healthy Employed Persons. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68(6), 863-869. 9.f0
- Minarik, M. M., Thornton, B., & Perreault, G. (2003). Systems Thinking Can Improve Teacher Retention. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 76(5), 230-234.
- Noushad, P. P. (2008). From teacher burnout to student burnout. Online submission to Educational Resources Information Center. ERIC Document Reproduction Services No. ED502150.
- Research Services. (2010). Teacher burnout, (1003), 1- 22. Miami, FL: Christine Balzer.
- Sinclair, K. E., & Ryan, G. (1987). Teacher anxiety, teacher effectiveness, and student anxiety.
- Skaalvik, E. M., & Skaalvik, S. (2007). Dimensions of teacher self-efficacy and relations with strain factors, perceived collective teacher efficacy, and teacher burnout. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99(3), 611-625.
- Skaalvik, E. M., & Skaalvik, S. (2015). Job Satisfaction, Stress and Coping Strategies in the Teaching Profession - What Do Teachers Say? International Education Studies, 8(3), 181-192.
- Skinner, E., & Beers, J. (2016). Mindfulness and Teachers' Coping in the Classroom: A Developmental Model of Teacher Stress, Coping, and Everyday Resilience. Mindfulness in Behavioral Health, 99-118.
- Smylie, M. A., & Denny, J. W. (1990). Teacher Leadership: Tensions and Ambiguities in Organizational Perspective. Educational Administration Quarterly, 26(3), 235-259.
- Stormont, M., & Young-Walker, L. (2017). Supporting professional development needs for early childhood teachers: an exploratory analysis of teacher perceptions of stress and challenging behavior. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 16(1), 99-104.
- Tyler, P., & Cushway, D. (1998). Stress and well-being in health-care staff: The role of negative affectivity, and perceptions of job demand and discretion. Stress Medicine, 14(2), 99- 107. 1700(199804)14:2<99::AID-SMI766>3.0.CO;2-1
- Van Veen, K., Sleegers, K., & van de Ven, P. (2005). One teacher's identity, emotions and commitment to change: A case study into the cognitive-affective processes of a secondary school teacher in the context of reforms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21(8), 917-934.
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APA : Naeem, I., & Hashmi, M. A. (2022). Identification of Stress Management Techniques Used by Teachers in Secondary School Teachers in District Lahore. Global Sociological Review, VII(I), 27-38.
CHICAGO : Naeem, Iram, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. 2022. "Identification of Stress Management Techniques Used by Teachers in Secondary School Teachers in District Lahore." Global Sociological Review, VII (I): 27-38 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-I).04
HARVARD : NAEEM, I. & HASHMI, M. A. 2022. Identification of Stress Management Techniques Used by Teachers in Secondary School Teachers in District Lahore. Global Sociological Review, VII, 27-38.
MHRA : Naeem, Iram, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. 2022. "Identification of Stress Management Techniques Used by Teachers in Secondary School Teachers in District Lahore." Global Sociological Review, VII: 27-38
MLA : Naeem, Iram, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. "Identification of Stress Management Techniques Used by Teachers in Secondary School Teachers in District Lahore." Global Sociological Review, VII.I (2022): 27-38 Print.
OXFORD : Naeem, Iram and Hashmi, Muhammad Aamir (2022), "Identification of Stress Management Techniques Used by Teachers in Secondary School Teachers in District Lahore", Global Sociological Review, VII (I), 27-38
TURABIAN : Naeem, Iram, and Muhammad Aamir Hashmi. "Identification of Stress Management Techniques Used by Teachers in Secondary School Teachers in District Lahore." Global Sociological Review VII, no. I (2022): 27-38.