- Acharya, D. R., Bell, J. S., Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E. R., & Regmi, P. R. (2010). Women’s autonomy in household decision- making: a demographic study in Nepal. Reproductive Health, 7(1).
- Akram, N. (2017). Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan: Its Dimensions and Determinants. Social Indicators Research, 140(2), 755–775.
- Aldama, A., Bicchieri, C., Freundt, J., Mellers, B., & Peters, E. (2021). How perceptions of autonomy relate to beliefs about inequality and fairness. PLOS ONE, 16(1), e0244387.
- Al Riyami, A., Afifi, M., & Mabry, R. M. (2004). Women’s Autonomy, Education and Employment in Oman and their Influence on Contraceptive Use. Reproductive Health Matters, 12(23), 144–154. 5
- Amadiume, I. (2015). Male daughters, female husbands: Gender and sex in an African society. Zed Books Ltd.
- Bou Malhab, S., Sacre, H., Malaeb, D., Lahoud, N., Khachman, D., Azzi, J., Haddad, C., & Salameh, P. (2021). Factors related to autonomy among Lebanese women: a web-based cross-sectional study. BMC Women’s Health, 21(1).
- Buvoltz, K. A., Powell, F. J., Solan, A. M., & Longbotham, G. J. (2008). Exploring emotional intelligence, learner autonomy, and retention in an accelerated undergraduate degree completion program. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 22(3-4), 26-43.
- Chen, M. (1995). A matter of survival: Women’s right to employment in India and Bangladesh (Vol. 38). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Self- determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie Canadienne, 49(3), 182–185.
- Dixon-Mueller, R. B. (2013). Rural women at work: Strategies for development in South Asia. RFF Press.
- Dulal, K. (2016). Women’s Autonomy and Work Status in Nepal: A Study of Their Effects on Anaemia. Social change, 46(2), 182-198.
- Ghuman, S. J., Lee, H. J., & Smith, H. L. (2006). Measurement of women’s autonomy according to women and their husbands: Results from five Asian countries. Social Science Research, 35(1), 1–28. 01
- Habib-Mintz, N. (2009). To what extent can the informal economy concept adequately explain the dynamism of the non-formal sector in developing countries. Journal of International Business and Economy, 10(1), 1-19.
- Hahn, Y., Islam, A., Nuzhat, K., Smyth, R., & Yang, H. S. (2018). Education, marriage, and fertility: Long-term evidence from a female stipend program in Bangladesh. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 66(2), 383- 415.
- Hakim, A., & Aziz, A. (1998). Socio-cultural, Religious, and Political Aspects of the Status of Women in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 37(4II), 727–746.
- Haque, M., Islam, T. M., Tareque, M. I., & Mostofa, M. (2011). Women empowerment or autonomy: A comparative view in Bangladesh context. Bangladesh e-journal of Sociology, 8(2), 17-30.
- Hassan, S. M., & Farooq, F. (2015). Gendered perspective of informal sector of the economy in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 9(1), 185-201.
- Ilgan, A., Aslanargun, E., Kılıç, Y., & Shaukat, S. (2018). Comparing Turkish and Pakistani teachers’ professionalism. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 17(2), 1-15.
- Isran, S., & Ali Isran, M. (2012). Low Female Labour Participation in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), 32(2).
- Jafree, S. R., & Ahmed, K. (2013). Women microfinance users and their association with improvement in quality of life: Evidence from Pakistan. Asian Women, 29(4), 74-104.
- Jafree, S. R., & Mustafa, M. (2020). The triple burden of disease, destitution, and debt: Small business-women’s voices about health challenges after becoming debt-ridden. Health Care for Women International, 1–24. 36
- Jejeebhoy, S. J., & Sathar, Z. A. (2001). Women's autonomy in India and Pakistan: the influence of religion and region. Population and development review, 27(4), 687-712.
- Kabeer, N. (2002). The power to choose: Bangladeshi women and labor market decisions in London and Dhaka. Verso.
- Meler, T. (2016). Finding the Keys to Autonomy: Educated Palestinian–Israeli Single Women Migrating South in Search of Work. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 36(4), 465-483.
- Mondal, B., Ghosh, J., Chakraborty, S., & Mitra, S. (2018). Women Workers in India: Labour Force Trends, Occupational Diversification and Wage Gaps. SWI Background Paper, 3,
- Nigatu, D., Gebremariam, A., Abera, M., Setegn, T., & Deribe, K. (2014). Factors associated with women’s autonomy regarding maternal and child health care utilization in Bale Zone: a community based cross-sectional study. BMC women's health, 14(1), 1-9.
- Osamor, P., & Grady, C. (2016). Women's autonomy in health care decision-making in developing countries: a synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Women’s Health, 191.
- Pio, E., & Syed, J. (2013). Our bodies, our minds, our men: working South Asian women. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(3), 140-150.
- Qamar, Z. Batool, Z. Saif-ur-Rehman., & Badar, H. (2002) Role of skilled and unskilled factory working women in the rural economy of Punjab: A case study in Faisalabad. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 1560-1573.
- Rammohan, A., & Johar, M. (2009). The determinants of married women's autonomy in Indonesia. Feminist Economics, 15(4), 31-55.
- Sado, L., Spaho, A., & Hotchkiss, D. R. (2014). The influence of women's empowerment on maternal health care utilization: evidence from Albania. Social Science & Medicine, 114, 169- 177.
- Sathar, Z. A., & Kazi, S. (1990). Women, Work and Reproduction in Karachi. International Family Planning Perspectives, 16(2), 66.
- Sathar, Z. A., & Kazi, S. (2000). Women’s Autonomy in the Context of Rural Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 39(2), 89–110.
- Sen, A. (1999). Development as freedom. Alfred A. Knofp. New York, United States.
- Siddiquii, R. (2005). Modelling Gender Dimensions of the Impact of Economic Reforms on Time Allocation among Market, Household, and Leisure Activities in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 44(4II), 615–639.
- Sougou, N. M., Bassoum, O., Faye, A., & Leye, M. M. M. (2020). Women’s autonomy in health decision-making and its effect on access to family planning services in Senegal in 2017: a propensity score analysis. BMC Public Health, 20(1). 09003-x
- Weinstein, N., Przybylski, A. K., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). The index of autonomous functioning: Development of a scale of human autonomy. Journal of Research in Personality, 46(4), 397- 413.
- Wiley, S., & Dunne, C. (2019). Comrades in the struggle? Feminist women prefer male allies who offer autonomy-not dependency-oriented help. Sex Roles, 80(11), 656-666.
- Yasmin, M., Naseem, F., & Abas, N. (2020). Constraints to developing learner autonomy in Pakistan: university lecturers’ perspectives. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 19(2), 125-142.
- Yu, D. S., Lee, D. T., & Woo, J. (2004). Issues and challenges of instrument translation. Western journal of nursing research, 26(3), 307-320.
- Acharya, D. R., Bell, J. S., Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E. R., & Regmi, P. R. (2010). Women’s autonomy in household decision- making: a demographic study in Nepal. Reproductive Health, 7(1).
- Akram, N. (2017). Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan: Its Dimensions and Determinants. Social Indicators Research, 140(2), 755–775.
- Aldama, A., Bicchieri, C., Freundt, J., Mellers, B., & Peters, E. (2021). How perceptions of autonomy relate to beliefs about inequality and fairness. PLOS ONE, 16(1), e0244387.
- Al Riyami, A., Afifi, M., & Mabry, R. M. (2004). Women’s Autonomy, Education and Employment in Oman and their Influence on Contraceptive Use. Reproductive Health Matters, 12(23), 144–154. 5
- Amadiume, I. (2015). Male daughters, female husbands: Gender and sex in an African society. Zed Books Ltd.
- Bou Malhab, S., Sacre, H., Malaeb, D., Lahoud, N., Khachman, D., Azzi, J., Haddad, C., & Salameh, P. (2021). Factors related to autonomy among Lebanese women: a web-based cross-sectional study. BMC Women’s Health, 21(1).
- Buvoltz, K. A., Powell, F. J., Solan, A. M., & Longbotham, G. J. (2008). Exploring emotional intelligence, learner autonomy, and retention in an accelerated undergraduate degree completion program. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 22(3-4), 26-43.
- Chen, M. (1995). A matter of survival: Women’s right to employment in India and Bangladesh (Vol. 38). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Self- determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie Canadienne, 49(3), 182–185.
- Dixon-Mueller, R. B. (2013). Rural women at work: Strategies for development in South Asia. RFF Press.
- Dulal, K. (2016). Women’s Autonomy and Work Status in Nepal: A Study of Their Effects on Anaemia. Social change, 46(2), 182-198.
- Ghuman, S. J., Lee, H. J., & Smith, H. L. (2006). Measurement of women’s autonomy according to women and their husbands: Results from five Asian countries. Social Science Research, 35(1), 1–28. 01
- Habib-Mintz, N. (2009). To what extent can the informal economy concept adequately explain the dynamism of the non-formal sector in developing countries. Journal of International Business and Economy, 10(1), 1-19.
- Hahn, Y., Islam, A., Nuzhat, K., Smyth, R., & Yang, H. S. (2018). Education, marriage, and fertility: Long-term evidence from a female stipend program in Bangladesh. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 66(2), 383- 415.
- Hakim, A., & Aziz, A. (1998). Socio-cultural, Religious, and Political Aspects of the Status of Women in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 37(4II), 727–746.
- Haque, M., Islam, T. M., Tareque, M. I., & Mostofa, M. (2011). Women empowerment or autonomy: A comparative view in Bangladesh context. Bangladesh e-journal of Sociology, 8(2), 17-30.
- Hassan, S. M., & Farooq, F. (2015). Gendered perspective of informal sector of the economy in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 9(1), 185-201.
- Ilgan, A., Aslanargun, E., Kılıç, Y., & Shaukat, S. (2018). Comparing Turkish and Pakistani teachers’ professionalism. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 17(2), 1-15.
- Isran, S., & Ali Isran, M. (2012). Low Female Labour Participation in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), 32(2).
- Jafree, S. R., & Ahmed, K. (2013). Women microfinance users and their association with improvement in quality of life: Evidence from Pakistan. Asian Women, 29(4), 74-104.
- Jafree, S. R., & Mustafa, M. (2020). The triple burden of disease, destitution, and debt: Small business-women’s voices about health challenges after becoming debt-ridden. Health Care for Women International, 1–24. 36
- Jejeebhoy, S. J., & Sathar, Z. A. (2001). Women's autonomy in India and Pakistan: the influence of religion and region. Population and development review, 27(4), 687-712.
- Kabeer, N. (2002). The power to choose: Bangladeshi women and labor market decisions in London and Dhaka. Verso.
- Meler, T. (2016). Finding the Keys to Autonomy: Educated Palestinian–Israeli Single Women Migrating South in Search of Work. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 36(4), 465-483.
- Mondal, B., Ghosh, J., Chakraborty, S., & Mitra, S. (2018). Women Workers in India: Labour Force Trends, Occupational Diversification and Wage Gaps. SWI Background Paper, 3,
- Nigatu, D., Gebremariam, A., Abera, M., Setegn, T., & Deribe, K. (2014). Factors associated with women’s autonomy regarding maternal and child health care utilization in Bale Zone: a community based cross-sectional study. BMC women's health, 14(1), 1-9.
- Osamor, P., & Grady, C. (2016). Women's autonomy in health care decision-making in developing countries: a synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Women’s Health, 191.
- Pio, E., & Syed, J. (2013). Our bodies, our minds, our men: working South Asian women. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28(3), 140-150.
- Qamar, Z. Batool, Z. Saif-ur-Rehman., & Badar, H. (2002) Role of skilled and unskilled factory working women in the rural economy of Punjab: A case study in Faisalabad. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 1560-1573.
- Rammohan, A., & Johar, M. (2009). The determinants of married women's autonomy in Indonesia. Feminist Economics, 15(4), 31-55.
- Sado, L., Spaho, A., & Hotchkiss, D. R. (2014). The influence of women's empowerment on maternal health care utilization: evidence from Albania. Social Science & Medicine, 114, 169- 177.
- Sathar, Z. A., & Kazi, S. (1990). Women, Work and Reproduction in Karachi. International Family Planning Perspectives, 16(2), 66.
- Sathar, Z. A., & Kazi, S. (2000). Women’s Autonomy in the Context of Rural Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 39(2), 89–110.
- Sen, A. (1999). Development as freedom. Alfred A. Knofp. New York, United States.
- Siddiquii, R. (2005). Modelling Gender Dimensions of the Impact of Economic Reforms on Time Allocation among Market, Household, and Leisure Activities in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 44(4II), 615–639.
- Sougou, N. M., Bassoum, O., Faye, A., & Leye, M. M. M. (2020). Women’s autonomy in health decision-making and its effect on access to family planning services in Senegal in 2017: a propensity score analysis. BMC Public Health, 20(1). 09003-x
- Weinstein, N., Przybylski, A. K., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). The index of autonomous functioning: Development of a scale of human autonomy. Journal of Research in Personality, 46(4), 397- 413.
- Wiley, S., & Dunne, C. (2019). Comrades in the struggle? Feminist women prefer male allies who offer autonomy-not dependency-oriented help. Sex Roles, 80(11), 656-666.
- Yasmin, M., Naseem, F., & Abas, N. (2020). Constraints to developing learner autonomy in Pakistan: university lecturers’ perspectives. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 19(2), 125-142.
- Yu, D. S., Lee, D. T., & Woo, J. (2004). Issues and challenges of instrument translation. Western journal of nursing research, 26(3), 307-320.
Cite this article
APA : Maryam, A., & Jafree, S. R. (2022). Sociodemographics of Formal and Informal Sector Women Workers of Pakistan and a Comparison of their Perceived and Practiced Autonomy. Global Sociological Review, VII(I), 103-115.
CHICAGO : Maryam, Amna, and Sara Rizvi Jafree. 2022. "Sociodemographics of Formal and Informal Sector Women Workers of Pakistan and a Comparison of their Perceived and Practiced Autonomy." Global Sociological Review, VII (I): 103-115 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2022(VII-I).11
HARVARD : MARYAM, A. & JAFREE, S. R. 2022. Sociodemographics of Formal and Informal Sector Women Workers of Pakistan and a Comparison of their Perceived and Practiced Autonomy. Global Sociological Review, VII, 103-115.
MHRA : Maryam, Amna, and Sara Rizvi Jafree. 2022. "Sociodemographics of Formal and Informal Sector Women Workers of Pakistan and a Comparison of their Perceived and Practiced Autonomy." Global Sociological Review, VII: 103-115
MLA : Maryam, Amna, and Sara Rizvi Jafree. "Sociodemographics of Formal and Informal Sector Women Workers of Pakistan and a Comparison of their Perceived and Practiced Autonomy." Global Sociological Review, VII.I (2022): 103-115 Print.
OXFORD : Maryam, Amna and Jafree, Sara Rizvi (2022), "Sociodemographics of Formal and Informal Sector Women Workers of Pakistan and a Comparison of their Perceived and Practiced Autonomy", Global Sociological Review, VII (I), 103-115
TURABIAN : Maryam, Amna, and Sara Rizvi Jafree. "Sociodemographics of Formal and Informal Sector Women Workers of Pakistan and a Comparison of their Perceived and Practiced Autonomy." Global Sociological Review VII, no. I (2022): 103-115.