Exploring Social Competence, Temperament and School Adjustment in Pakistani Preschool Sample
The study was conducted to assess the social competence, temperament and school adjustment of 3-5 years old preschoolers. The aims of the research were to assess the gender differences in the levels of social competence as well as to study the associations between the various aspects of temperament, social competence and school adjustment. Participants are 227, 3-5 yeas old preschoolers (N= 227 with boys n = 127 and girls n = 100), their mothers (N= 227) and teachers (N= 100) from various cities of Pakistan. Data was collected using the Social Competence Teacher Version Scale, Child Behavioral Questionnaire very Shor Form and Teacher Reported Scale of School Adjustment. The results indicated significant gender differences in the social competence levels, and significant positive and negative associations were found between the subdimensions of temperament, school adjustment and social competence
Social Competence, Temperament, School Adjustment, Preschoolers
(1) Attiya Siraj
Comsats University Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Humaira Jami
National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Siraj, A., & Jami, H. (2020). Exploring Social Competence, Temperament and School Adjustment in Pakistani Preschool Sample. Global Sociological Review, V(III), 98-106. https://doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2020(V-III).11
CHICAGO : Siraj, Attiya, and Humaira Jami. 2020. "Exploring Social Competence, Temperament and School Adjustment in Pakistani Preschool Sample." Global Sociological Review, V (III): 98-106 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2020(V-III).11
HARVARD : SIRAJ, A. & JAMI, H. 2020. Exploring Social Competence, Temperament and School Adjustment in Pakistani Preschool Sample. Global Sociological Review, V, 98-106.
MHRA : Siraj, Attiya, and Humaira Jami. 2020. "Exploring Social Competence, Temperament and School Adjustment in Pakistani Preschool Sample." Global Sociological Review, V: 98-106
MLA : Siraj, Attiya, and Humaira Jami. "Exploring Social Competence, Temperament and School Adjustment in Pakistani Preschool Sample." Global Sociological Review, V.III (2020): 98-106 Print.
OXFORD : Siraj, Attiya and Jami, Humaira (2020), "Exploring Social Competence, Temperament and School Adjustment in Pakistani Preschool Sample", Global Sociological Review, V (III), 98-106
TURABIAN : Siraj, Attiya, and Humaira Jami. "Exploring Social Competence, Temperament and School Adjustment in Pakistani Preschool Sample." Global Sociological Review V, no. III (2020): 98-106. https://doi.org/10.31703/gsr.2020(V-III).11