Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention of University Teachers in Lahore
The study tried to investigate the relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intentions of female university teachers in Lahore city across public and private sectors. Correlational research was selected as a research design. All the female teachers of public and private sector universities of Lahore city are considered as the population of the study. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select the sample. Strata were formed on the basis of designation. The sample size of teachers in public sector universities was 249, and the sample size of teachers in private sector universities was 201. A questionnaire was developed by Carlson, Kacmar, & Williams (2000) was used to measure work-family conflict. The measurement of turnover intention was addressed by using the Turnover Intention Scale (TIS) developed by Roodt, (2004). Multiple Regression was applied to explore the relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention. An independent sample t-test was used to compare the two groups, such as the nature of institutions and marital status. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intentions of female university teachers.
Work-Family Conflict, University, Teachers, Lahore, Turnover Intention
(1) Mahvish Fatima Kashif
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Sidra Israr
MS Scholar, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Kashif, M. F., & Israr, S. (2020). Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention of University Teachers in Lahore. Global Sociological Review, V(III), 117-123.
CHICAGO : Kashif, Mahvish Fatima, and Sidra Israr. 2020. "Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention of University Teachers in Lahore." Global Sociological Review, V (III): 117-123 doi: 10.31703/gsr.2020(V-III).13
HARVARD : KASHIF, M. F. & ISRAR, S. 2020. Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention of University Teachers in Lahore. Global Sociological Review, V, 117-123.
MHRA : Kashif, Mahvish Fatima, and Sidra Israr. 2020. "Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention of University Teachers in Lahore." Global Sociological Review, V: 117-123
MLA : Kashif, Mahvish Fatima, and Sidra Israr. "Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention of University Teachers in Lahore." Global Sociological Review, V.III (2020): 117-123 Print.
OXFORD : Kashif, Mahvish Fatima and Israr, Sidra (2020), "Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention of University Teachers in Lahore", Global Sociological Review, V (III), 117-123
TURABIAN : Kashif, Mahvish Fatima, and Sidra Israr. "Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention of University Teachers in Lahore." Global Sociological Review V, no. III (2020): 117-123.